One of our favorite places to visit within a short drive of Raleigh is definitely Fearrington Village. Over the years, we’ve probably been at least a dozen times; some visits are weekend-long gifts from parents and some are short day trips with friends or family, the dogs and baby. Whatever our reason for visiting, we always have delicious food and spend some quality time with the belties!
Located only 35 minutes from Raleigh in Pittsboro, Fearrington Village is one of the cutest places for a romantic weekend, nibbles at the beer garden, storytime with baby, a delicious brunch, or a quick visit with the beltie cows and goats. You can combine any or all of those options and you’ll have an awesome time. Here are just a few of the features of Fearrington Village: a quaint, luxury inn with a french Fearrington House Restaurant, a day spa, a casual breakfast/dinner restaurant (The Granary), a beer garden (The Roost), a deli (The Belted Goat), beltie goats and cows, large reception areas for weddings, cute shops, and a bookstore.

Our most recent visits were in August when I wanted to get a quality Sunday drive with my new car and a fun lunch trip with my friend, Kristina, and her daughter, Lucy. Both times we loaded up the car and set off to visit the belties and grab a tasty lunch from the Belted Goat.
Thumbs up: beltie cows and goats (no petting), landscaping, dining options: sit-down casual, take out, or fancy french at the Inn, lodging, BEER GARDEN, pet-friendly (except for the Inn), wine selection at Fearrington House Restaurant
Thumbs down: lack of an outdoor pool for Inn guests
Trip ideas: romantic weekend getaway (check out their packages), New Years celebration, storytime with baby followed by lunch and beers from Belted Goat, brunch at the Granary followed by visit with the animals, live music and nibbles at the Roost beer garden
If those ideas haven’t excited you, check out their website for so many more fun events like: wine/beer classes, farmers’ market, Halloween Festival & more.
Here are some pictures from over the years and from our most recent August trips:
Fearrington 2009
Fearrington 2010
Fearrington 2011
Fearrington 2012