So, what do you do when you have a new baby, are no longer working, and have lots of free time? #1 Get out of the house (baby cries are less ear-deafening with trees, cars, and people to absorb them) and #2 find free things to do. Since I’ve got baby Ashley with me we needed to find some appropriate mommy/daughter things to do (unfortunately free beer/wine tastings were out…so sorry Wine Merchant and Lonerider).
Growing up my mom spent a lot of time taking me and my brother and sister to the local county parks and pools in Stafford, VA so I thought it was only natural to introduce baby Ashley to the various parks throughout Raleigh. Unfortunately the county and city websites in Raleigh lack a lot of details on each park and there’s not an easy way to search for what you’re looking for in a park. So, we’ve decided to venture out to all the parks, playgrounds, trails, and pools in Raleigh and report back with photos, details, and our general feedback on each one.
My husband, Bill, and I have been to several of the Raleigh parks in the past but we were more interested in the bike trails and tennis courts. With baby around now, I’m looking for even sidewalks, shade, and long trails. Even though baby Ashley is years away from personally enjoying my crazy get-out-and-explore mentality I’m sure she’ll enjoy looking at the pictures and stories of our adventures when she’s old enough. Who knows…maybe she’ll take her daughter on similar adventures one day 🙂 So, here we are at one of our first adventures at Lassiter Mill Park:

Great idea! Lucy and I can’t wait to benefit from your experiences.
I hope all in Raleigh will see this, especially the Parks and Rec department!! Great help, and such a wonderful idea that you and your family are doing for the entire city!!
Great job, Kris, and what a gift for your city, as well as for Ashley in the future.
Thanks for sharing.
Grandma Bev
I’m a little late in telling you this but this is such a great idea! I love reading about your and baby ashleys adventurs. I know she’ll treasure these stories and pictures when she gets older